Gerakari - Aplitra (Toubotos Prinos Shelter)

Length: 22 km
Estimated time: 3-8 hours
Suggested period: January - December
Difficulty: Relatively difficult in the area of Fourfoura, near the shelter

Archaeological sites

Elenes: Findings of the archaeological excavations that took place in the '30s prove the existence of Minoan civilization. These findings include double axes and vessel chips that have been found and are now exhibited in the museums of Rethymno and Irakleio. The constant existence of life for more than 3000 years is attested by findings of the archaeological excavations and everything that comes to the surface due to the corrosive energy of water and the residents' farming activities. Chips of pre-historic vessels, stone tools and coins of the early Byzantine and post-Byzantine eras are discovered in various locations even today.