About this project

This project is implemented within the framework of Interreg ΙΙΙΑ Greece - Cyprus 2000-2006. The aim of this project is the creation of a norm of a comprehensive electronic tourism management system of the areas crossed by the E4 European path in Rethymno, Pafos and Larnaka cities.

The E4 European path that starts from Prinaia, crosses Europe and Greece, it crosses Crete from Kasteli Kisamos to Zakros as far as Cyprus, following the routes from Pafos and Larnaka cities.

Climbing and hiking lovers can follow the path in Rethymno, Pafos and Larnaka gaining wonderful experiences and intense moments.

eMARKET-PATH E4 is based on the replanning of the strategic promotion of the areas that are crossed by the path in Crete and Cyprus by creating an electronic system that is based on a specialized form of the material offered and an active management policy that will differentiate the existing reflection of the intervention areas towards the visitors that prefer physiolatric / cultural / mountaineering tourism.

The Project brings out the intervention area through the interactive presence of its tourist resources per specific thematic sections (e.g. cultural environment, natural environment, gastronomy, accommodation in agrotourist dwellings and shelters, useful information) and E4 paths.

Through the implementation of the project, we aim at the implementation of internet and email promotion technology for tourism through the multi-language promotion of the areas crossed by E4 path.

The specialized dynamic website offers a plethora of information on specific issues regarding culture, environment, mountaineering, physiolatric tourism, agrotourism, etc.

The dynamics developed through this project are the following:

In a framework of intercultural search and communication, the Project becomes acceptable, friendly and accessible (multi-language content), brings out the cultural and environmental multiformity of the intervention area as quality destination of unique beauty and variety

It offers a specialized presentation of the area's sites that includes sights, gorges, shelters, rivers, lakes, national forests, areas of particular beauty and themes regarding physiolatric tourism and agrotourism.

Information on the natural beauty of both islands and their history are offered, routes with many ideas for wanderings and unique tastes are recommended (Mediterranean diet, traditional / agrotourist products).

Traditional settlements are recommended and the geophysical and special characteristics of the area are highlighted as important elements for the development of alternative ways of tourism that utilize the particularity of each place.

In a wider framework, the Project contributes to the balanced development of the intervention area, the termination of the isolation of the agricultural areas, promoting them on an international level.


E-m@rket path Rethimno - Cyprus logo in Greek.
E-m@rket path Rethimno - Cyprus logo in English.
E-m@rket path Rethimno - Cyprus logo in German.